Tuesday, April 28, 2009


(Photo from Olsens Anonymous)
I wish I could be bikeriding now...

My B'day!

So my birthday turned out to be everything I wanted it to be. That whole weekend I did everything that I wanted to do and I was completely pampered. My girlfriend Cassie, who is Chattanooga was such an amazing host and took me around town. Tons of fun! Then when I woke up on my bday, with a horrid hangover, my sister and brother in law took me to this amazing restaurant downtown Chattanooga called "Easy". The food was amazing and the weather was nice, so we had the opprotunity to sit outdoors and watch people going into the Aquarium. Anyways, when I got back, I went out with my friends in Huntsville for a dinner at Bonefish Grill, which of course was amazing and very yummy! It was exactly what I wanted to do and everyone that I wanted to share that day with, was there, so I felt special!

It's been a while...

Ok, so it has been a minute, which once again, I apologize. So many things go on from day to day, that at the end of the day, I almost detox from the laptop. I feel like I have been sorta out of body, because I have been extremely disorganized the last few weeks and when I am disorganized, my life feels horrid. But I am slowly, but surely trying to get myself back on track. I have less than a month before my trip to St.Maarten (yay!), so I want to go on my trip with everything in order. Anyways, I know it will get it together, so just bear with me. I love you guys! xoxo

Monday, April 27, 2009

I have another blog!

Ok, it has been ages, I have been so worn out on every level and I have been a little fashion uninspired, which didn't motivate me to post anything. Sorry loves, I will try to get back in action. Anyways, just letting everyone know, I have another blog, Fashionista Mommy, and I am loving it. It just talks about everything that goes on with me and my Leah and it has pics and its tons of fun, so make sure you at least stop by! xoxo

Here's the link: www.singlefashionistamommy.blogspot.com

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Weekend!

(Photo from Olsens Anonymous)

Hi loves, happy weekend! Let's start celebrating now, cause for most of us, we are having an off day tomorrow (Good Friday)! What are ya'll up to? Anything fun? Tomorrow, I am sleeping in and packing to head out. I am going to Chattanooga, TN to visit my girlfriend and my sister. I am going to this thing up there called Sonrise, which is a reinactment of Jesus dying and rising again. It's a big event in Chattanooga. I am excited about that and then I am going to spend the rest of the weekend hanging with my girlfriend, chilling around the city. On Sunday, I will be back for my birthday dinner with all my lovely friends in huntsville. (P.S. I got a dress!)Have a great weekend, loves! xoxo

She's a lady...

(Photo from Sartorialist)
I love the rolled up jeans and the amazing shoes! I want the shoes!


(Photo from Garance Dore)
This is such style inspiration...BTW, I love her hair!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My day...

(Photo from http://ponnerthidalgo.com/Portals/1/Wedding/Drinks/strawberry_margarita.bmp)

Today was hella busy and I spent the day writing checks for owners and sitting at my desk ALL day. So when I got off, me and Sandra went to Casa Blanca, which is a mexican restaurant and had an amazing meal with margaritas...it was amazing and it was a nice time out from the crazy day and it was nice spending some girl time and drinking margaritas...yum!

I miss the Rachel Zoe Project so much!

(Photo from Fashionista blog)
It was the greatest show and she is so chic! I think she is a bit skinny, but she can dress her ass off!

My two loves...

(Photo from Fashionista blog)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Birthday Dresses!

Ok, so I have been going through Forever21.com in search of reasonable, cute birthday dresses for my dinner and these are some of the options, along with some earring options. I am going to hit the store on Wednesday to see what fits good and what I like and I will let you know which outfit I choose. I definently would prefer a black dress and a stunning earring, and I can provide the amazing shoes. I will report back my loves!

(All pics provided by www.forever21.com)

Go Jessi...it's ya Birthday (not exactly)!!!!

Ok girlies, my bday is on Easter Sunday, which is less than a week away and I am so stoked! I will be 25 and I am ready and excited about it so much. It gives me reason to be diva for a day and I LOVE the attention! I am going to Chattanooga, TN on Friday to see my sister and hang with one of my girlies up there and then on Sunday night I am having a dinner at Bonefish Grill, so I am going to enjoy seeing all my friends and will truly enjoy the cake. So I am going to take this week and look for a cute, bday dress...I'll keep you posted.

P.S. I am making my bday cake: a marble cake with chocolate frosting....yum!

Its been forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just wanted to start off with some random sexiness! I used to think she took fashion to far for me, but when I look again and again, I think she is absolutely stunning...Anyways, hi peeps, whats been up? It has been forever and I know, I have so been slacking. I had finals, and then I took a week off and just really needed that time to get myself together. I am feeling better now and I have been missing my blog...its my baby! Anyways, I havent been on my fashion "game" like I wanted to, and now its time for me to come back! I want to be the one that truly pushes the boundaries and that means taking fun, fashion risks. Ok, well I'm back and I will try my best to do better. Love ya...xoxo